Beginning my blog catch-up with the beautiful, brand new parents, Brittany and Trevor (and baby Parker)! As I type this, I bet Parker is in the bath, giggling at the splashes he just learned to make while sporting a soapy mohawk. He's now 7 months old, sitting up, and prrrrrrrrobably has the ladies lining up for him at daycare. That's just a guess, though.
Way back in June (oh, how I can't WAIT for summertime!) I spent the evening with the Smith's in their home, helping them remember what it was like as they were anxiously awaiting their first born son. They were preparing to become a family of 3 4 (Sorry, Brewski - you were totally their firstborn), and now, I bet Brittany and Trevor don't even remember what their lives were like before their beautiful baby boy was born.
Check back to see Parker's newborn session. Trust me - you won't want to miss it! He's just adorable! (As I state the obvious - I mean, look at these two - why wouldn't they make an adorable baby?!)